There are many holiday rental scams, some simple rules to reduce the risk:
The main warning signs
An extremely low price, an unreachable owner, a large discount if you pay in full at the time of booking, payment methods that are unusual in France, different photos for the same property in different ads, etc.
A price that defies all competition. As with everything, you have to be aware of the value of things. A villa with a private pool, on the edge of the ocean with a view of the sea at 300 € a week, all options included, is simply impossible. There is a whale under the pebble!
Before you start, check the market prices for what you want and compare equivalent properties (surface, number of rooms, equipment, services (swimming pool, whirlpool, garden, team..), location.
Bargains exist on the internet but an abnormally low price should set off alarm bells!
An unreachable owner. The owner also has a private life, he may be away or on holiday but it is extremely rare that he is not reachable at all. Leave a message asking to be contacted and then after the first contact, if in doubt, call them back immediately.
An owner who offers you a significant discount if you pay the full amount of the rental when you book. It smells like a trap, Danger!!!
A landlord who offers you unusual payment methods in France, for example Western Union, Money Order, Moneygram,...
Different photos for the same property depending on the adverts, has the impression that it is not the same rental
Simple basic checks will help you make the right choice
- Address of the property to check on Google Maps that it is consistent with what has been offered,
- Contact the tourist office, they will confirm the name of the owner with the address or vice versa,
- Search the Google file of the rental, there are reviews (see point below) but also the address, the phone number,...
- Look for reviews left by previous guests on different sites: the owner's site but also Google, Tripadvisor, etc. This will allow you to check the consistency with the advertised services. Many explicit reviews will give you a picture that is close to reality on average.
- Before signing the contract, the lessor is obliged, whether professional or not, to give the potential lessee a document containing the contact details of the owner and the agency as well as a very complete description of the rented premises (including its geographical location).
Download the practical factsheet on the rules governing holiday lettings published by the DGCCRF.